miercuri, 4 noiembrie 2009

Our rights, our justice, our freedom

In 1949, during the Geneva Convention, a small but important group of people changed history. Not only by officially creating the UN, but by clearly defining for the first time the human rights in a document that is respected to this day.

Every human being is entitled to LIFE and HAPPINESS (something found in the US Constitution too). There are hundreds of pages filled with laws regarding prisoner treatment, civil rights during war, civil and human rights in times of peace, treatment of civilians during occupation etc. One moment in history that changed its course (like the refraction of the lens:). They guarantee that your properties will not be confiscated illegally by the state (unless its a comunist one!), you have the right to a fair trial and to a fair punishment.

BUT, are these rights being respected? We all know how much the russians, the africans and the chinese respect the rules of prisoners of war and political detainees... Some people think there should be a new human rights bill coresponding to the current circumstances (War on Terror, since it is very hard to respeect the Convention when arresting Muslims). The other side, though, thinks that the rules are good and that we shouldn't change the Convention, but rather ourselves and our ways of waging war or fighting.

I must agree that some things need to be changed, such as gay rights, for example. And people need to change their opinions too: about war, about people, about the government. And I, the bedazzled 9th grader, am left to wonder what I can do to help. And i'm also wondering what happened to the animal rights?

16 comentarii:

  1. You are right from all points of view. The human rights need to be changed. Many things are missing from them. But they will never be perfect nor satisfaing because people want more and more while the days pass on. And about the animal rights, I can't say you are wrong, but many people exagerate. If I remember corectely, there is a passage in the Bible wich says that the animals were left to the humans to do whatever we want with them. Of course that doesn't mean we have to exagerate too. Especially when we don't own them.

    Iconar Doru Emanuel

  2. I liked it ! Especially the part with the guarantee that the properties won't be confiscated illegaly by the state.But I don't agree with the last part, about the gay people,all of us should be like god made us.
    Also the animal rights are important,we shouldn't neglect them either even thought they are "inferior" to us .
    On the hole it's a very nice post !
    Kepp up the good work !

    Alexa Catalin

  3. Ilies Iulia Andreea5 noiembrie 2009 la 18:13

    Wow, Armin!Generally, the text was very good and well expressed, and you were right from many points of view. As we evolve and discover new things all the time, the human rights must be continously changed. We start having new needs and the old rights are sometimes not enough, or probably not very specific from a point of view.
    But I don't agree with you in that part where you said that gay rights must be changed. We must be ourselves and not try to be a fake person just because the comunity doesn't agree with who you are. They are people who have a life too, and I don't think that if you were different from the others, you would have liked to be treated in a different way. We are all equall, it doesn't matter our sexual orientation or your skin colour. But the text has OK, you must continue working like that, and you can't possibly get a two! Now, I must also say something about Doru's comment. I don't agree that we can do whatever we want with animals, even if they are or not ours. They are part of our life and without animals, human kind will not exist for long. We take food and clothes from them, so, why shouldn't they be respected like we respect other people? Are we really that superior from them? Of course, they don't have the ability to talk or to make things, but in many cases they have prooven that they are sometimes much more intelligent that we are. You should think of that.

  4. About the gay rights, I think everyone should be EQUAL. But few countries accept gay marriages and you see on ProTV what happens to gay parades in Bucharest. And about Doru's comment, I don't think we can do whatever we want. You misinterpreted the Bible. I believe it says that we can use the meat, milk and fur of animals, but if we use them as we please, this will most likely cause a chain reaction that will drive the humans to extinction. Do you really want that?

  5. Well, I agree with you. Some things must be changed, like the animal rights. It is unimaginable what happens in nowdays. Some people continue to treat the animals very badly and consider them their slaves. In my opinion such people should go to jail.

    And about homesexual people, I must say that we should not treat them differently just because they are different.

  6. Dimbean Valentina6 noiembrie 2009 la 21:19

    I guess you're right. Everyone should be happy, it's the most important thing. Here are included equal rights, even gay rights. Why not, if his make them happy? We have to accept that the society isn't the same it was hundreads years ago.
    About the rights of the animals. Well, I can't agree with Doru. The animals are alive creatures, like us, like the people. They can't think, they can't speak but they have their lifes.So we don't have to treat them like some things.
    But usually, the constitution isn't respected and the people don't do anything to change this.

  7. Buha Stefana Maria7 noiembrie 2009 la 12:45

    I agree with you. First, we should really respect all the rights, and the rules. After that, some things should be changed, because in my opinion, they are wrong. Some people should change their minds.We should respect animals more than we do. They need their rights too, because they are alive creatures and even though they don't speak, they have feelings. We should respect them, we should behave with them like we behave with human beings, we should treat them just like human beings because they can feel if we treat them bad.They aren't worth to be rough-handle because they are just like humans,so, try to treat animals just like human beings, because they need our love.And about gay rights,I think that they should have equal rights with everybody.They are humans too, they are just like you, but they have different tastes, they just like different things, and we shouldn't accuse them for this. They are worth to live theirs lives the way they want to.So just think a little.. we don't have to discriminate animals or gays. We have to treat them with respect them for what they are. Some of them are better than some of us.Everybody needs rights and everybody deserves a happy life.So we have to try to be more open-minded

  8. The Gay Rights are all good,the animal rights should`nt be changed because nobody would respect the laws about killing animals.We have to eat, they have to feed us.That`s the circle of life.
    The Gouvernment is out to get you.For them you don`t have any rights,they don`t care about you.They all care about themselvs and making money.You are for the gouvernment just a lil` piece of nothing they can control and make money off.And the human rights aren`t really applied.They are just there so you`ll think you have some rights, so you don`t start killing people on the street because then you can`t work for the gouvernment anymore and they lose money.It`s all about money and it always has been.And you can see that everyday.
    It`s all a conspiration!

    Geleletiu Andrei

  9. I have to comment on what Doru said about the animals, it's true that the annimals were given from God to us but that doesn't mean that we can do whatever we want with them, animals have rights too, in nowadays it's horrible what people do to animal. And about the gays, I think that they are now more acceptet in society

    Bochis Teodora

  10. Your argument has risen up my curiosity and I started searching for more information about human rights and the Geneva Convention. I found some interesting facts that I would like to share with you. There were four Geneva Conventions. The Fourth Geneva Convention, for the security of civilian persons in time of war, is one of the four treaties of the Geneva Conventions. It was adopted in 1949 and was ratified by 194 countries. The Geneva Conventions do not address the use of weapons of war, these are regulated by the Hague Conventions and the Geneva Protocol.
    All my research has showed me that I know very few things about human rights. I believe that when we want to do something we should study carefully what has been done previously. Having a good background knowledge will prevent us from discovering something that has been done or invented before.
    I agree with what you have stated in your article and I consider that it is very well presented. Of course more should be always done but first let's try to find out more about what has been done.
    Keep up the good work.

    Alexa Bianca

  11. I like it and I agree too that gay rights should be changed. But about the animal rights. It's true that they are not humans, but this doesn't mean that they can be treated like things. They have their own life and we should treat them good and most of all, we must love them because only then, they will love us, too. And i think that in Romania should exist an act like in the USA about the animal rights because in America, if you treat bad an animal, you have to pay a penalty to the animal police. But here, if you treat bad an animal, no one says nothing to you. You can even kill an animal and you don't pay for that.

  12. I'm impressed! Thinking how many people gave their lives for us to have the freedom and the ability to make ourselves better,makes me realise that we are destroying the less we have. Nowdays we still fighting against corruption. Our civic sense must help the comunity to rebuild the peace all over the world. Also we need to accept that each human being is diffrent from us, but we are equal in front of God .

  13. Wowww! Congratulations Armin! In my opinion, your text it's a good one. I think that we are all equal before God.

    Even if we are people or animal we have rights! And about gay people... even if homosexuality is against the church I think it gives us no right to judge people with these sexual orientations!

    Very good work Armin!

    Ciurdar Diana

  14. I'm very impressed!!!You really described the problem the society has very well.
    I must say i agree with you.Some human rights should be changed, but animal rights are also important.
    Let's not forget that they are beings just like us..and they have rights too..even if we treat them like crap..everybody is hurting them and using them..just yesterday i saw a man beating up his horse just because the horse was tired couldn't go any further..
    I find it really cruel the way humans treat animals..many rights regardless animals and not only must be added and respected and we should begin taking the serious
    About gay rights..I don't really know what they are..but i know that we shouldn't be treating them different just because they are..they can not change how they are..
    Keep writing !

    Crisan Razvan

  15. The text is good.But not everything in it.There should not be any gay rights.They should be sent in prison for something like this.It's horrible.I think that to be gay means to be crazy.A lot of countries in the whole world agree with them,and let them have rights.They let them marry! They let them adopt children! They are absolutely out of their mind.This can't be happening.I really hate them,and,dear colleagues which are all right with their rights,excuse me.God! The end of the world is coming.In fact,it's already here.

    In my opinion,there should be no animal rights.You know why?Because I really don't like them.I guess most of you know that episode from PowerPuff Girls,when the cat controls the man and converts it into it's servant.I mean,that's sick.But this is what happens,day by day,all around the world.We think that we control the animals,that they love us and so on,but this is totally wrong! The animals control the people.I'm sick of this.I hate to see people which have cats,dogs or any pet in their houses.They let them sleep in the bed,they play with those creatures,and even kiss them!That's horrible.I think every animal in this world has something to do.The dog was created to protect the people,not to be licked in it's mouth by all kind of strange owners,which consider them making part of the family.The cat was created to catch mice.You know...Tom & Jerry...I can't realize how people can love animals so hard to leave them in the house.Much more than that,I saw a lot of things on TV,documentaries or whatever,with people who have mental defects(not for real).There was a man who had pet a pig.How can this be possible?The animals don't need any rights.They are anyway very loved by almost everybody.But not by me.About those animals living in the streets,there are the dog catchers which make their job.

    The discrimination might be something very good.Why should we accept the gypsies(excuse the language,I can't say "rromi")?They just still,they kill and they are everywhere.Nothing does anything to them.They are all free.In the summer,they go to Italy on or under(never in) who knows what train.How Cabron said(one of my favorite singers):"Summer is the season of stolen phones on the beach".

    I have nothing to say about the politicians and about what happens there.We all know what they do there.There are a few rights which I'm OK with,but there are a few that I totally disagree.

    You should keep writing,you have very good ideas.

    That's all.

    Dan Razvan.

  16. Dear Razvan,
    I'm deeply saddened to see that your young heart is so full of hatred.Why don't you take a breath to watch a sunset or a sunrise see how marvellous it is. And it is a present for all of us, straight, gays, gypsies, caucasians, afros, and all animals and plants living and breathing together. It is a present for God that we have to take it with all our soul and live it in light and love. Try to enjoy your present!!!!!!
