luni, 2 noiembrie 2009

Teacher 009

First day of school. I didn’t suspected then, that in just three weeks I’d say about someone that it’s the best class teacher in the world. In spite of the fact that she gave me a 2. In English, of course. But to start with the beginning, as natural.
- I'm Mrs. Gabor. Sanda Gabor.
It’s like we are in a James Bond movie. Am I right? This was how she presented to 9 B class, English teacher and our class teacher.
Tall of 1, 65, not more, slightly rounded. Aged between 35 and 40, short hair, blonde, brown eyes who fix you once you get into the collimator. Quick steps, decided. Precise gestures, almost constantly. You expect her to teach maths, not foreign languages.
The warning for the times that awaits us came from the begining:
I'm going to teach you English. And not anyway. You’ll get up every morning and say: I have lessons with Gabor. Damm it!
The lesons take place anytime and anywhere. We meet with her, no matter where and the conversation is only in English. Don’ let the devil to make you say another word in Romanian, especially at her class. The catalog is filled automatically with a 2.
Lessons only in the classroom? Ha! At 20: 30, in the evening, of course, she sends the lesson link. Some are even funny. For example, Battle Ship. Whenever you manage to hit the enemy ship, it opens with a grammar exercise. Finally, get the note. A clarification: the internet holds especially grammar.
At the same time the tutoring begins. Until 22: 30. You can ask anything. In English, of course!
Hours and hours became her religion. We beg to God, in mind, of course, not be taken at questions and if that still happens we need to find quickly the answer in our mind. Why fast? Score drops by a point or two, depending on the length of hesitation.
To be fair, I have to add something. Important. Although in class she is a real dictator, sergeants from the army should hide, as she gets out from the class, she is the most funniest and pleasant teacher that I have ever met.
At the end of the second week of school, surprise: Saturday meeting at the end of Mănăştur neighborhood. For those who do not know, is the neighborhood where I live. One who has in the north a forest most loved by the people of Cluj. One might say about the pile of garbage left behind them.

Ow well. Going to the green grass! Could equally well say " at green onions" because it was present in full by the snack together. For me, a first outlet with classmates and in the end, I concluded without hesitation, a pleasant one. Only then I understood the purpose of the trip. Free of teacher support away from the classroom, within the constraints of rigorous discipline, we had the opportunity to discover each other beyond the "covers". And because she is English teacher, the conversation was held only in that language. Our accent didn’t matter who I guess could scare any real British. More important was the friendship knock between us. We laughed, we joked, we sang, we played football. Our screams filled the valley. I suspect that those who passed through the area could have categorized us as a band of crazy English.
I ate bacon well roasted on the fire that I maintained the others were completely outside the noble "art" of survival in nature. See how I praise?
The only bad things: millions of flies which surrounded us, until we started the fire, and the burn caused by a piece of bacon, stuck in the customary whip, led by Julia. The food was served by hand. Hear? Why to look for cutlery between "nerds"? Hm! Let's be serious!
The very next week, the English lesson was held in the Botanical Garden, one of the most beautiful and rich in plant species in Europe. Another challenge for us. For two hours I was subjected to heavy artillery: personal mines, grenades, machine guns with bullets caliber "2" in the catalog. Come to boast a little. Again! You're right! I gained 5 points credit. Accordingly, if I am not satisfied with the notes that I received, I may use the credit and future round votes. Only good for that month, I receive a two, high as me. Wait, there's more! Of course I had nothing to resort to credit. Penance was different. To delete the note, I had to write a poem. In English, of course. Not every poem. Shall bear the words "house" and "home", our lesson that day.
Yes', I "stole" a ten. But the rest I can lick the muzzle. Until you become more courageous, more than nine you won’t receive. Oh!
I noticed and I think you have noticed and I talk too much about me, than about teacher 009. Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled, a good friend could say, but talking about classes, about the teaching and grading, I sketched a portrait more credible, more realistic than any other description of the teacher.

7 comentarii:

  1. Wow,you are so funny. I swear! I didn't expect at something like this from you.(even if we know each other for very long time). Sometimes you are a mystery for me. Anyway I really liked the text. But there is something that is not clear: James Bond is agent 007, and you said that our teacher is 009. This means that she is stronger than Bond? Or what?? It's interesting.

    Alexa Bianca

  2. It is surprising how you used your imagination .If u let me,I'll be more specific about the agent 009.I think that Doru wanted to be more contemporary and original. I also admire your guts for writing and the way you exressed your feelings regarding the relationship between our colleagues and our formmaster.Afetr all this text made me think what's behind your innocence.Keep on writing!

  3. The text was well written and it was very funny, I liked it a lot. I liked the way you expressed yourself,and the way you described the teacher...funny!.You have a rich imagination

    Bochis Teodora

  4. We are so lucky to have Mrs. Gabor as our teacher. I can't imagine our highschool without her.Great character,great teacher, great piece of writing ! Congrats

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